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Past Events

Herb of the Year Retrospective

October 9, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

Herb of the Year Retrospective

Karen England

Woof n' Rose Winery

September 11, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

Woof n' Rose Winery

Marylyn Kahle

No August Mtg. -- Enjoy Your Summer!

August 14, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

No July Mtg. -- Enjoy Your Summer!

July 10, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

Spring Luncheon

June 12, 2024 at 7:00:00 PM

Ruth's Roses

May 8, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

Ruth — San Diego Rose Society

Ruth Tiffany is a master rosarian and is an award-winning rose exhibitor. She exhibits her roses in many rose shows each year and at the San Diego County Fair. Ruth moved to her current home in the San Carlos area in 2002 and she has planted and maintained a stunning rose garden filled with over 500 roses on a 7000 square foot lot.

Anderson's La Costa Nursery

April 10, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

Anderson's La Costa Nursery

Mariah and Mark Smith


March 13, 2024 at 5:00:00 PM

Growing Proteas

Our speakers for March are Wendy and David Berzansky and together they own the Red House Flower Company in El Cajon. They have been partners for a number of years since they met working together at the Old Globe Theatre and went on to marry.  The Red House Flower Company is known for the freshest flowers as they grow them themselves! They just go out to the farm and pick what they need every morning.  What could be fresher!! Wendy and David Berzansky are going to speak about growing proteas.  They will also have product to sell, and they will have a special something for our opportunity drawing. Looking forward to them talking about one of our favorite flowers, the Protea.

Little Bit of Land Lavender Farm

February 14, 2024 at 6:00:00 PM

The Little Bit of Land Lavender Farm in Vista

Everything the Farm does is handmade and organic and done in small batches. We all look forward to what will be a very interesting and informative presentation about a specialty garden in North County. We have heard that you can participate in the harvest of the lavender in May and June--some of your fellow garden club members have experienced the harvest in past years. 

Creating a Balanced and Organic Garden

January 10, 2024 at 6:00:00 PM

Creating a Balanced and Organic Garden -- Herb Field

Whether you grow ornamentals and/or vegetables the precepts for creating an organically grown and ecologically balanced garden is the same. We will discuss the history of organic gardening and how to apply those principles in your own garden regardless if you plant in pots or a plot of soil.

December Meeting

December 12, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM

Holiday Luncheon

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Fun time for all will be had at our Holiday Luncheon. Members and Guests are welcome. Our theme this year is Holiday Trees Around the World. Kick off the holiday season with a very fun celebration where luncheon, decorations, gifts, opportunity drawings and festive attire are plentiful. The fee is $42 . for members and $48. for guests. Mark your calencdars! We expect the luncheion to be a sold-out event so get your reservation in early. Sign up at our November meeting or call or email our membership team.  

Nancy Crawford 



Traci Hagerman 


Note: We will not have our share table at our November or December meetings but will resume sharing in January.

November Meeting

November 14, 2023 at 6:00:00 PM

Annual Holiday Workshop

We get together to work on craft projects, exchange ideas and have a fun-filled morning with friends. Some people make gifts for others or decorations for their home and garden. There are three different projects to choose from and if you finish one project before the time is up you can move on to another one (it is not a race--most people work on their one project diligently during our hour together). 

This year we will be decorating bird houses, making wreaths, and decorating paper mâché pumpkins! There will be a materials fee of $20. for a member or $25 for a guest. 

This is one of our most popular programs of the year!

Note: We will not have our share table at our November or December meetings but will resume sharing in January.

1105 La Bonita Dr. San Marcos, CA 92078 (conference center)

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